Tikalflex TSC – Guarantee
For Tikalflex TSC we offer a
10 year guarantee for black and
6 year guarantee for white and grey
Please fill out our guarantee form and send back via email or mail.
The form can be found on the right side in the blue collum DOWNLOAD.
After checking the form you recieve a guarantee declaration from us, that proofes this extreme long guarantee.
Why a guarantee form ?
We offer you an extreme long lasting guarantee, no other producer in the teak- market offers you.
To do this in an honest way we have to be set in a position to be able to check f.e. in 9 years if the claim is at least a teak-deck build with TSC.
That for we need some informations of you, the ship as well as the insurance that the deck will be installed and maintenanced correct.
For any questions to this quarantee form feel free to contact us via mail.